Plantaator / Shop / White Hemp Protein

White Hemp Protein

454g / 16 oz
Hemp Labels
Pure concentrate powder made from nutrient-rich deshelled hempseed. It is ultra-clean, entirely hypoallergenic and a perfect source of plant protein. It has all 9 essential amino acids.


61,45€ / kg
Or get a combo?
Best seller
Combo package
21g / 15g
1g / 1.3g
3.8g / 9g
1 serving 2 x 454g / 2 x 16 oz
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Others, who have tried it...
Kariina Kuningas @spicethespirit

“Using Plantaator's products, you can enrich your daily food with useful amino acids. Hemp flour can be used as a substitute for flour. In addition to good taste, it is also a good source of protein. Flax flour is a good replacement for eggs inside the pastries.“

Kevad Belle Saarepera @belle.saarepera

"My number one go-to meal when I'm in a hurry is definitely a smoothie with Plantaator hemp protein powder! I just throw whatever fruits and berries I have in a blender, add some powder and my lunch is ready to go! It gives my smoothie a creamy texture!! Love it"

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